Tag Resourcing is excited to announce the launch of our new website!
It has been a difficult process to get here, mainly due to having to keep the Managing Director, Michael Hodgkinson from writing War & Peace on each page, which was somewhat at odds with his actual vision of simplicity!
Having engaged Milton Keynes based Web design company Visual Identity (VI) very early in the process, we were able to work very closely with them in the concepting, look, usability and the detail, which was invaluable and a genuine benefit. We gave them a very clear brief (VI may say otherwise!) of “Keep it fresh and simple, but give it impact”. We think they’ve nailed it.
The site will develop over time as Tag Resourcing itself develops, (and there are already some exciting developments afoot at VI) but there are already facilities for candidates to subscribe for updates and a slick, simple job search facility along with what we feel is the fundamental information our clients and candidates want to see.
If you have any comments please don’t hesitate to get in touch